
Mary Magdalene Grotto

If you were interested, pls contact me for more details  95227976

or go to Ani Williams website directly

I've been on the trip with Ani and it's an extraordinary and beautiful experience.  I invite you to come with us to get in touch with your own goddess within!!

Song of the Goddess, Grail, & Gypsy

May 16—26, 2010, Southern France

您的瀏覽器可能無法支援顯示此圖片。 Both tours with Ani Williams & special guest Henry Lincoln, filmmaker & author ‘Holy Blood—Holy Grail’

We will honor with song and dance Saints Sarah, Mary Magdalene and Isis, all beloved of the Gypsies today. 

This pilgrimage includes 7 days in the beautiful Pays de Cathar wine country of the Languedoc and 3 days in Provence. The picturesque Mediterranean port of Les Saintes Maries de la Mer hosts the annual gypsy festival of Saint Sarah and ceremonial procession into the sea….put on your gypsy dancing shoes!  

Using the alchemical grail ingredients of harmonious sound, fragrance and sacred waters, we will experience the beauty and power of sites near Rennes-le-Chateau, long important to the Cathars, Templars, early Christians, the Merovingians and Cults of Isis.  

With harp, drum and our voices honoring the deep beauty of nature, we will transform ourselves and offer an expanded resonance to the earth. We will visit medieval castles, an ancient druid wood, the red spring and seat of Isis, and Gorge de Galamus. Henry Lincoln will guide us in Rennes le Chateau and into the mysteries of the coded Magdalene Chapel. Deposit of $600 is due by March 10, 2010. Space is limited to 6 people. Cost is $2900. 

Path of the Magdalene—Tracing her Footsteps

September 14—24, 2010, Full Moon—Equinox in Southern France

Tracing her path with song through the beauty of the Pyrenees to the Mediterranean Sea

11-day pilgrimage of renewal using the transforming power of sound: Magdalene and Isis sites in spectacular Languedoc, Rennes-le-Chateau, Puivert Troubadour Castle, the Hermitage of St. Antoine at Gorge de Galamus. Then we have two nights on the picturesque Mediterranean port Collioure, and 3 nights in the magic of the Pyrenees, St. Michel de Cuxa, Cathar caves, and castles. Henry Lincoln will share the geometry of the Templar sites of the region as well as presentations with modern Templars from the Order of Mary Magdalene.


We will stay for five days at an exquisite retreat center in the heartland of the Cathar and Grail mysteries near Rennes-le Chateau. This will provide a perfect base and sanctuary, with its natural beauty, walking paths and lovely stream. We will visit medieval castles, a druid wood, the red spring and seat of Isis, and visit the region’s natural beauty. Special Equinox Full Moon ceremony at an ancient site in the Pyrenees.  

Deposit of $600 is due May 15, 2010 to reserve your place. Space is limited to 14, so sign up early. Cost is $2900. 


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    彩色主義 Colorbeing

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