
年開始, 我會固定的在"光行者中心 Lightworkers Center" 開辦更多活動 、療癒圈、工作坊、及個人諮詢。

認識我的朋友都知道, 過去幾年我的生活很是漂泊, 想找我也不容易, 因為常常不確定當時我到底在世界的哪裡。而今年我的心願終於紮了根, 大家可以直接上來光行者中心找我了。

我們首先會在 1月30日 (星期天)2-6pm舉辦開幕嘉年華會(請見以下詳情)


到時我也會為大家做Aura Soma mini session.



love and light 



 一月三十日(星期日)  下午二時至六時


大家好承繼薈萃之心過去十載於身心靈成長教育工作的理想光行者中心 (Lightworkers Center) 在眾人的祝福下重新在香港成立.










   Aura Soma靈性彩油迷你諮詢






有興趣參加者請致電23660266 Becky 或電郵至


在過去, 我們不斷淨化鍛鍊心靈肌肉, 現在我們身體力行, 鍛鍊身體的肌肉, 走上樓梯第4層共70階. 達到身心靈合一健康的境界.

古代莘莘學子上山修道, 現今上樓梯學習分享, 在鬧市紅塵中清修靜心, 回到心靈之家, 喝杯咖啡小聚, 竭誠邀請有緣人共結善緣……您準備好嗎?竭誠歡迎您!!!

光行者中心是屬於大家的期望30/1 相見啦!


Lightworkers Centre Grand Opening Carnival

Jan 30, 2011 (Sunday) 2:00pm – 6:00pm

4/F, No. 1 Humphreys Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui

Hi Friends,

With blessing from all of you, Lightworkers Center was found in Hong Kong last May.  Lightworkers Center carries out the vision of Heart of Eostre, who devoted to promote all kinds of spiritual growth tools to assist people on their personal growth in past ten years.  It is our honor that we found a very comfortable, peaceful place in TST, close to MTR station as our new center in the end of last year.   In order to celebrate the new beginning, we will hold a Grand Opening Carnival on January 30 (Sunday) and we would like to invite all of you to join us in the special day of our center.

 In the Carnival, we have the chance to introduce to you our new shareholders and share with you the services offered by our center in the coming year.   Of course, the most important thing is that we gather together to have fun.  There are different kinds of booths serving to all of you, such like Tarot Reading, Aura Soma Reading, Numerology, etc.  You can bring your questions to here and it may give you some guidance or clear your doubt for new direction. 

Let’s celebrate new beginning together and open ourselves fully to happy, wealth and holly life in 2011.  See you in Jan 30’s Carnival!

Light & Peace,                                                                                          

Santa / Nora / Sofia / Jessica

Lightworkers centers

The booths are served as below:

   Course of Lightworkers

   Course in Miracle Study Group

   Practicing Power of Now Study Group 

   Miracle Sharing Group

   Mandala Painting

   Tarot Reading / Numerology

   Aura Soma Reading

   Channel Reading

Snack and Fruit are served.   Souvenir is provided to all participants. 


In the past we practice our soul muscles constantly & now we practice our psysical muscles as well & going up to 4 Floor stairs of 70 stairs to train our physical reach the oneness of body, mind, soul healthy & fittness. In the past, all students climb over mountains to practice & now we are walk upstairs to learn & share. In the busy downtown of Kowloon, our center is the quite meditation,center for us to learn & share life together & welcome to our spiritual home, take a rest have a cup of tea or coffee, are you ready for that experience?

Should you have interest, please kindly contact Becky at 23660266 or e-mail to us


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    彩色主義 Colorbeing

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