Christine will be giving a talk on 7th Mind Body Spirit Open Day
introducing Songaia Voice Spectrum Analysis 
It is the first time this system is introduced in Hong Kong

come to
Discover how the sound patterns in your voice are a mirror of 
your physical and emotional patterns, genetic coding, and healing potential!

"The body is held together by sound—the presence of disease indicates that some sounds have gone out of tune."  - Dr. Deepak Chopra 

                                     Voice/Color Frequency Wheel

Christine will also be giving 10-15 min. 
Aura Soma Color Reading and Songaia Voice Analysis mini session for you to experience the healing power of Sound and Colors
within you!!

Time: June 3, 2007 (Sunday) 11am-7pm
Venue: 6/F Exhibition Hall, Sheung Wan Civic Center
               345 Queen's Rd, Sheung Wan, H.K.

Christine 會在第七屆身心靈健康開放日
Songaia 聲音分析治療

你身體與情緒的模式, 基因的密碼, 以及自我療癒的潛力

Christine 同時也會提供10-15min. 
Aura Soma 色彩能量解讀 Songaia 聲音分析 簡短諮詢,

時間: 2007 年6月3日(星期天) 11am-7pm
地點: 上環文娛中心6/F, 


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