by Inesiya









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Tuning into your celestial gem


十多年前,在我自己的Aura Soma 三階訓練中,有一晚我做了個夢; 夢裡我聽見那來自天堂的天籟,極其美妙,無與倫比⋯,讚嘆感動之餘,只記得當時自己好想好想世人也都能聽見如此真善美之樂音。醒來之後,只覺得惆悵⋯那要如何才能讓大家也都能耳聞如此美好?難道我要學會怎麼演奏這些音樂?天啊!那還有多少樂器要學?想來讓人感到無力又遙遠⋯。直到我那來自愛爾蘭的智慧好友Rose 對我說,”或許不是關於你演奏出美妙樂音來讓人聽,或許是關於你能夠創造一個空間,讓人可以聽見且演奏出屬於自己的天籟之音celestial music⋯⋯”。


在這個土星將進人水瓶座的春分前後,我將會開一個為期四堂的工作坊,藉由Kundalini Yoga,Aura Soma,靜心,唱頌⋯,及因應同學需要的工具來進行,協助你調頻於自己的靈魂本性,課程最後,我還會幫你找到當下最適合你的Mantra,支持你穩固並自在活出自己的獨特本質。


Tuning into your celestial gem
費用:NTD 8000








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無力感 helplessness



與其承認,大部份的我們第一時間是不接受,緊接著急迫的行為,表面上看起來是想要盡快遠離這些困惑、恐懼、焦慮、憤怒,殊不知所有的騷動都將我們跟這些情緒捆綁得更緊; 更甚者是把這些情緒變得比自己還要大,然後它們變成主人,你就變成這些情緒的奴隸,當然不會有自主感、自由感...。 有這些情緒是人之常情,但讓這些情緒當家作主,你就是在把自己真正的主權力量拱手給出去; 然後無窮無盡的無力下去......。

這些情緒反應是來自最原始的生命動能,其實目的是促使我們去找答案、去保護自己、有生命力去行動、然後做出改變,前提是首先能夠看見並接受自己的不足 inadequacy。這不是一個好待的位置,因為它會被視為弱者,但這正正是學習和成長的契機; 這不是一個舒服的感覺,因為這會跟無能掛鉤,但這讓我們能夠謙卑地求知求助,臣服於更大的未知、生命更高的安排,這不是已知小我容易理解的,卻是意識擴張重要的時刻!

之於生命的大圓滿,自我的認知與察覺 self knowledge and self awareness 是有限的,認清這一點讓我們放鬆,因為事實上我就真的還不知道,也的確還沒察覺; 不需要是: 我怎麼可以不知道! 我不可以不知道! 我必須知道! 而往往在接受的當下,開始可以有更大明白與清晰的機會,更多有建設的可能性能夠真正進入到我們的覺知層面。

我們不再需要討厭或害怕這份無力感,因為你了解到這是生命的一部分,是讓我們成長、成熟、擴張、圓滿的必經之路 。

And also, It too shall pass....





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To the Wounded Lioness
on this day of Leo new moon and solar eclipse

For a thousand years you hid in the cave for you swore you never be hurt again.
Yet you long to be seen and you long to be loved 
but only sorrow and rage present. 

For a thousand years you sharpen your claw and you were only prepared to defend and fight
Yet you long to Roar and you long to love 
but only hatred and violence present 

Today you say, not more hiding and no more prison
For you long to be seen and you long to be loved

Today you say, no more just fighting but I’m prepared to protect.
For you long to Roar and you long to love.

The wounded Lioness came out of the cave with open eyes and humble heart 
For the thousand years to come, you are to be seen and ready to be loved

The wounded Lioness came out of the cave with revitalized flesh and refreshed strength
For the thousand years to come, you are just to roar and just to love

For that is your nature, majestic Lioness, 
whether you were wounded or not……!!!



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By Man Lam












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by Hofan
after 72 angels of Kabblah and Aura Soma course

....We were reminiscing about a director we once worked who would try to physically really push his actors so that they would bypass the brain and get in touch with their emotionality. And coincidentally, after the first day of the Angels workshop, I started running again. Running is something I used to regularly in secondary school (I used to be on the cross-country team), it's not surprising that on day two, it really helped me resolve some things stuck in that timeframe.

Anyway, thank you very much for holding the space in the Angel's course -- something very strong got connected. For the week after the course, when I sat down to meditate some very strong connection would spontaneously happen. Actually, the connection is still there ( there's just additional challenge with all the physical moving) but I believe something in my heart opened permanently. ❤

So thank you ❤

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當昆達里尼瑜珈遇上Aura Soma - 圓滿彩虹ㄧ日工作坊


時間:2017年2月11日 10am-5pm



生命的展現在於你夠不夠認識自己 以及有沒有足夠的熱情與生命力


Sofia 老師將首次在香港 於元宵月滿之時開設此工作坊

結合Aura Soma 靈性彩油 及 昆達里尼瑜珈 



Aura-Soma picture.jpg


Aura Soma 是一套全方位的靈魂療癒系統 

透過你所選的顏色 來看見潛意識中尚未察覺的信念模式 天賦資質

連結自己的生命本質 找到創造與熱情的核心所在






邀請你在一年之始幫自己聚焦 充電 有個清新飽滿的開始


屆時正好是滿月 更是能量特別飽滿之時

機會難得 敬請把握!

期待 見到你!




帶領人 : Sofia Chen


Sofia Portrait是一位多元且充滿熱誠的療癒工作者,總在溫暖甜美的笑容裡帶著一份清晰的直觀。 認為真正的智慧來自於個人真實體驗的內化,真正的自由來自愛與一切如是的接納, 發現全然接納當下實相,是生命轉化的最大關鍵。十多年來,在世界各地十餘個國家都有她學習及工作的足跡, 深入研究生物能量 Bio-Energy與體現學 Emobodiment Work多年,擁有美國自然醫學大學DNM學位, 專供訊息能量醫學, 並為 為英國ASIACT 認證 Aura Soma 色彩咨商高階教師, KRI 認證 Kundalini Yoga 教師, NGH 認證催眠治療師, 對聲音與色彩有極高敏感度, 擅長以具創造力的方式協助人們自我察覺及療癒。

時間: 2017年 2 月 11日 10am-5pm
費用: HKD 1200  (1月25日前早鳥價 HKD 1000)


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女性身體智慧工作坊 (只限女性)

時間: 2017年2月12日 10am-5pm




我們學習,我們成長,我們希望自己更進步,更棒 擁有更多,更棒,更不同.....

要求自己那麼許多, 也獲得了好多, 為什麼感覺不到真正快樂?

因為我們常常忘記接納自己現在當下最本然的樣子, 這是無條件的愛!

我們渴望愛 卻往往忘記要愛自己!

女人天生感覺、情緒就是比較充沛的, 這也是女性豐富多變的特質

我們可以學習如何跟自己的一切在一起, 不管正面負面, 高潮低潮,

在接納中,愛自然升起, 踏實的喜悅感也會跟著來!


在本工作坊中Sofia 會透過對 『生物能Bio Energy』與 『 體現學 Embodiment Work』多年的研究與親身體驗, 幫助妳更加認識自己, 連結並瞭解自己身為女性力量與美麗的本質,學習全然接納與愛自己, 並帶領最著名於淨化及強化神經系統與內分泌系統的昆達里尼瑜伽Kundalini Yoga, 讓你在身心靈都有更大的容量來承載生命的豐盛, 允許更多生命的喜樂與圓滿!


屆時正好是滿月, 更是女性能量特別飽滿之時


誠摯邀請妳一起來, 重拾自己身為女性的熱情, 喜樂, 自在,與力量, 





時間: 2017年2月12日 10am-5pm

費用: HK$1200 ( 1月25日前早鳥價:HK$1000)


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Aura Soma 一階訓練(level 1)證書課程


2017 年 1 月 6 & 11 日 (星期五)  7:00pm – 10:00pm       
   2017 年 1 月 7, 8, 12, 13 日 (星期六日)  10:00am – 6:30pm



You are the colors you choose, these reflect your being’s need.

你就是你所選擇的顏色 它反映出你內在的需求          ~Vicky Wall~ 

Aura Soma 像是我們靈魂的鏡子,幫助我們瞭解真實自我,喚醒內在的覺知與天賦,提升意識,也是一套與人分享,既美麗又具深度的系統!


完成一階訓練後,你除了會學習到如何運用這套工具來協助你個人意識的成長, 還能夠幫家人和朋友作基本的諮詢。




完成第一階36小時課程的學員 可獲一階證書,其資料亦會被登記在英國ASIACT色彩藝術應用與科學學院 (Art & Science International Academy of Colour Technologies) 的學員名冊內。


"在上level 1 的其間, 每天下課回家,觸到牀便睡了......我知道,這是自己身心都在轉變的反應.
在接觸Aura Soma 的過程之中,我對幸福和愛,有了更多體會.
很感恩,在這路途,遇到好伙伴,一起學習一起分享,是很歡愉和感動......Aura Soma真是上天賜給我們的禮物!"
by Venus.
"我在完結課程後一星期內經歷了大大件事, 也見證了彩油的神奇, 它除了反映我本身的狀態, 也助我更有力量的處理難關, 找回了我的彩虹, 找回自己與靈魂和創造力的聯繫, 我已感到力量比較堅定及時在,
謝謝妳的帶引和分享, 衷心謝謝!"
by Cynthia

導師:  Sofia Chen (


為Aura Soma 色彩能量諮詢師有14年以上的時間, 對色彩與聲音的能量有極高敏感度, 是一位多元且充滿熱誠的療癒工作者,總在溫暖的笑容裡帶著一份清晰的直觀。世界各地十數個國家都有她學習與工作的足跡。十多年前初遇Aura Soma 便與色彩結下了不解之緣,雖然她的學習與訓練多元,包括訊息醫學DNM文憑、催眠、聲音治療、瑜珈、薩滿、生物能......等, 但美麗的色彩總是她的最愛, 亦在香港中文大學教授”色彩與能量”逾9年有多。她所教授的除了知識, 還有她生命內化後的智慧, 是十年來體驗的精華。擅長以具創造力的方式協助人們回到當下的臨在, 自我察覺, 及療癒。

地點: 「Radiance」上環永樂街 177號永德商業中心501室

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Today, we are on the 3rd day of our Aura Soma Level 3 course on Kabbala tree of life. 

At the end of our class today, Eve asked me, “Was your own Level 3 like this as well?” I guessed she meant if it was as intense and rich. For my own very first Level 3 I actually didn’t quite remember the material presented in the class clearly, but I had deep experiences and a profound dream one night during the course. I dreamt about hearing extraordinarily beautiful celestial music from heaven. It was so beautiful that I became distressed that I didn’t know how to play the music. I woke up feeling frustrated and sad because I felt I wasn’t able to duplicate the music so people on earth can hear them. This feeling stayed with me for quite some time until couple years later when I shared it with my wise friend Rose. She said to me, “Maybe it’s not about you playing the celestial sound for people to hear. Maybe it’s more about you creating a compatible space for people to recognize and learn to play the music themselves….” It was such words of the wisdom….. Ever since then, it has became a prayer for me when I teach. For the past 4 years, i’ve taught 16 x Level 1, 7 x level 2, and 3 x level 3, I have to say I enjoy every class and I’m fully grateful that we get to learn to play and hear different celestial music because of the uniqueness and the beauty of every single soul. 

So today when i came home after class, I found myself watching this documentary on TV, “Seymour: an introduction” directed by Ethan Hawke. It's a loving portrait of his friend and mentor Seymour Bernstein, an 88 year old acclaimed classical pianist who quit a successful concert career at the age of 50 to become a piano teacher. I found myself watching this scene when he teaches piano. It was such a quintessence embodiment of talent and wisdom, and I found myself hearing my celestial music again. I couldn’t hold my tears, feeling overwhelmingly amazed by the synchronicity of the universe. No words could describe, just completely and infinitely grateful!!!

On top of it all, I want to give thanks to beloved Kosha who was my Aura Soma level 3 teacher. She inspired me to stay in my integrity, to speak of my truth and to be the anchor of love and light. It was because of her, I fully committed in working with Aura Soma system. She passed away the same year I became Aura Soma teacher. I miss her very much, but her spirit remains in my heart forever and I felt her presence in my own classes when I teach. I’m forever grateful for my beloved teacher Kosha.

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Aura Soma_天使的禮物  by Jothamin

對於大天使把我帶領到Aura Soma的世界中,並且認識了Sofia老師,心中只有滿滿的感謝。永遠記得當初是怎麼不情不願充滿懷疑的報名然後搭了很久的車子,走進教室。接著,Sofia老師自信又充滿關愛的神情說服了我,整齊排列的平衡油豐富的色彩說服了我,我知道這是一份禮物。來自天使的禮物。

從Aura Soma的使用經驗當中,我感受到的是,不帶批判,回歸本心本性的重新認識。

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Aura Soma 進階 (Level 3) 訓練證書課程 

台灣: 2016 年 9月11, 12, 15, 16, 17,18日

香港: 2016 年 9月29, 30, 10月 1, 2, 3, 4日 (請聯繫 Radiance)




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Aura Soma 進階 (Level 2) 訓練證書課程 

香港: 2016 年 10月 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15日

Sofia Portrait

- 進一步於不同層面探索色彩語言,包括象徵,心智,情緒,能量及靈性層面。
- 在所有顏色中的三原色及三種態度傾向 (3 primary colors and 3 tendencies )。
- 三位一體的法則 (the Law of three, trinity) : 微妙體結構,形而上學,瑜伽觀點,印度阿育吠陀三大生物體質...等。
-大師精華 (Quintessence) 關於大師能量的更多解說。
*完成進階2階證書訓練課程, 向英國學院註冊申請諮商師資格後, 方可從事收費的彩油諮商
帶領人 :  Sofia Chen  (

為Aura Soma 色彩能量諮詢師有13年以上的時間, 對色彩與聲音的能量有極高敏感度, 是一位多元且充滿熱誠的療癒工作者,總在溫暖的笑容裡帶著一份清晰的直觀。世界各地十數個國家都有她學習與工作的足跡。十多年前初遇Aura Soma 便與色彩結下了不解之緣,雖然她的學習與訓練多元,包括訊息醫學DNM文憑、催眠、聲音治療、瑜珈、薩滿、生物能......等, 但美麗的色彩總是她的最愛, 亦在香港中文大學教授”色彩與能量”逾9年有多。她所教授的除了知識, 還有她生命內化後的智慧, 是十年來體驗的精華。擅長以具創造力的方式協助人們回到當下的臨在, 自我察覺, 及療癒。
時間:2016 年 10月 7日 19:00 ~ 22:00;8, 9, 10, 14,15 日 10:00 ~ 18:30

地點: 光行者中心 - 九龍佐敦佐敦道51號利僑大廈7樓701室(佐敦 MTR A出口 / 柯士甸MTR A渡船街東) 

報名 or 852-23660266

費用:HKD6,800 已包含證書,講義    (8月31日前早鳥價 HKD 6300) 
 *重讀生半價 (如需要證書 & 講義教材費用另計)*

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Dear All,
Equilibrium_11.jpg Hope all is well with you. 
As some of you may know, my grandfather passed away before CNY. He just had a fall and left his body, on the day of his birthday celebration, and he's already prepared red envelop for all of us just the day before his passing. Just when we thought to celebrate the birthday, death comes...... 

As much grief, pain, and 不捨 as it touched, it also taught me how amazingly imperfectly perfect and impermanent life is. I personally really leant so much from both of my father and grandfather's death. That is in facing and honoring death, instead of fearing it, we get to live fully, truly, and honestly....... After all, who and what are we living for? When the death is right in front of our face, what would be the choice we make? in this moment....... ? 

In honoring my father and grandfather, I'll go on living freely, happily, carrying on the love they have passed through me, to all the people I reach, to see their souls shine, to see their spirit grow.......

The following is my schedule arranged for now, hope to see some of you and or more people on the road. 

March 31 - Harmonious Relationship 7-9:30pm @Radiance
April - KL
April 30 -May 2 - PPS @ Taipei 
May - Europe
June 3,4,5,10,11,12 - Aura Soma Level 1@Lightworkers…
Jun 24, 25, 26, July 1,2,3 - Aura Soma Level 2 @ Radiance, HK 

Aug. 5,6,7,12,13,14 - Aura Soma Level 1 @ Radiance, HK
Sept 11(full day),12,(evening),15,16,17,18 (full day) - Aura Soma Level 3 @ Taipei
Sept 29, 30, Oct. 1-4 - Aura Soma Level 3 @ Radiance, HK
Oct. 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16 - Aura Soma Level 2 @ Lightworkers H.K.

with love and gratitude

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Have you heard your Hallelujah???

B23   Love and Light


by Lenord Cohen


Now I've heard there was a secret chord
That David played, and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do you?
It goes like this
The fourth, the fifth
The minor fall, the major lift
The baffled king composing Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah...

Your faith was strong but you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you
She tied you to a kitchen chair
She broke your throne, and she cut your hair
And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah...

Maybe there's a God above
But all I've ever learned from love
Was how to shoot somebody who outdrew ya
And it's not a cry that you hear at night
It's not somebody who's seen the light
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah...

Baby, I've been here before
I've seen this room and I've walked this floor (you know)
I used to live alone before I knew ya
And I've seen your flag on the marble arch
And love is not a victory march
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah...

There was a time when you let me know
What's really going on below
But now you never show that to me, do ya?
But remember when I moved in you
And the holy dove was moving too
And every breath we drew was Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah...

I did my best, it wasn't much
I couldn't feel, so I tried to touch
I've told the truth, I didn't come to fool you
And even though
It all went wrong
I'll stand before the Lord of Song
With nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah...

You say I took the name in vain
I don't even know the name
But if I did, well really, what's it to you?
There's a blaze of light
In every word
It doesn't matter which you heard
The holy or the broken Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah...

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