






























colorbeing 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

今季的彩虹知音工作坊彩虹篇與音樂篇 圓滿落幕



謝謝你們的敞開與信任 笑聲與淚水 

我很榮幸參與其中 與大家一起發現內在真實與力量的寶藏



11/8-12/7 '09 - Energy School Retreat in China 

12/13-20 '09 - Flower Essence Healing Retreat, Chiang Rai, Thailand 

(no outside contact with the world during those retreats)


1/9-1/17 '10 - Bert Hellinger Family Constellation Training, Hong Kong


色 彩 與 能 量 ─ 色 彩 治 療 入 門

基礎班 (甲班)2010年1月23日 星期六2-5pm 及 
          (乙班)2010年2月27日 星期六2-5pm

進階班 2010年3月20日 (僅限上過基礎班的同學參加)

每期為兩堂 限收25人

自 我 催 眠 與 內 在 溝 通 工 作 坊

2010年2月26日 星期五 7-10pm
每期為三堂 限收20人

詳情請閱 香港中大專業進修學院網頁
經常快速額滿 報名請從速

電話: 2209 0252
傳真: 2603 6345

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love and light blessings                                                                                          

 A.  彩 - 

在最近世界一片動蕩多變中,你是否也感到自己的情緒起浮不定,更常思考自己真正要的是什麼? 前進的力量在哪裡?


西元前六世紀在古希臘阿波羅神殿入口大石上就刻著Know Thyself (認識你自己) 的大字這是特耳菲的先知神喻(Oracle of Delphi)所示








快樂與富足的關鍵往往並不在我們「知道」什麼而在我們「不知道」什麼不知道並不代表它不存在潛意識層面可能有我不夠好、我不值得的舊有信念是我們尚未察覺但卻主宰了自己的行為,阻滯了自己去完成心中真正想望而不自知; 還有自己可能尚未深入連結甚至尚未認識的天賦資質而這卻是創造與熱情的核心所在






*前工作坊同學 體驗分享 http://colorbeing.pixnet.net/blog/category/635026


music notes 

        B.  彩坊-






是趕緊叫他不要吵、閉嘴,就好像我們總先壓抑自己的情緒,甚至斬了這個樂手,因為要切斷噪音,同時也切斷了某些部分的自己....?    這樣就再也聽不見這個部分的音樂,生命於是越來越單調無趣







The Body is held together by sound - the presence of disease indicates that some sounds have gone out of tune.”



~Dr. Deepak Chopra~


Voice/Color Frequency Wheel


在此工作坊中,Sofia 將帶領大家找到自己聲音裡的訊息,重拾和諧與力量你不需要會唱歌或是演奏家,只要你對音樂、內在探索及成長有興趣,不論是男士或女士,都歡迎你來參加,成為自己的最佳知音!



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“This is not a rational process!’ the Wizard said to the Flower.


“I understand!  for me to blossom is one of the most natural things in the world.  I don’t have to be obsessed to need to understand why.”   The flower spoke rationally with a mono tone.  The wizard smiled with contentment as the flower spoke. But his eyes and brows were still tight and squeaking. “Did I force you to open? Did I hurt you? I kept on asking myself......” 


“No,” the flower answered.  


“Although it has been scary sometime, very very scary at times not knowing what will happen next, during the process, you help me become aware and accepting of myself.   By being open, I got to experience the vulnerability and the strength of being a delicate blossoming flower rather than being afraid and hiding in the hard shell as a seed. For whatever your intension was,  I have made a choice to trust you.  For whatever experiences I had, no one can take it away from me.  


The flower wanted so much to have the wizard to be hers, only belonged to her.  She wanted so much to have him being with her all the time as her own.  She felt so much loved and adored, just by the way he looked at her, spoke to her, and treated her.  She felt so free to love and to be loved; she was able to feel loving and lovable at the same time.  Being with him, there was so much joy and expansion.  She never felt this way before; nobody has understood her better than he has, even herself; nobody has ever gone into her heart as far and as deeply as he has.  She wished to keep him with her forever.   


Whenever she finds herself missing the Wizard’s presence, her heart aches so much and she cries with great pain and loneliness.  


“By me being with you, I have reflected your great love, joy, and beauty.  When I’m not there, you don’t see the reflection, for you're just missing the reflection of your own that you can actually find right inside of yourself!”  The Wizard said to the flower when she was shedding her tears feeling sad about his leaving. “And remember to look into the mirror and there i will be, saying I love you!”  the Wizard added with a grim.  The flower nodded vigorously, with tears running down her face like pearl drops.


The wizard hated to leave as well, “how can one resists such beauty?  It’s such a bliss just being in the presence of her flowering and fragrance.”  She also touched a place deep inside of the Wizard’s being that hardly anyone has access to.  The Wizard had to face himself honestly too especially with the flower's incredible willingness and commitment to open and grow.  The Wizard has also madly fell in love with the flower.  It torn him apart leaving her.


They both struggled.  But inside the flower’s heart, she also knows it in her truth that there’re so many other flowers out there waiting for the wizard to show them their own beauty and to help them blossom.  She needs to let him go.  


As much as her heart aches for him not belonging to her, she understands this is for her to learn to stand strong on her own, owning her own power and quality instead of depending on the Wizard to feed her needs to be cherished and to be understood.  She needs to learn to love and accept herself exactly as she is, just like how the Wizard showed her his unconditional love and acceptance.



After she let the Wizard go, she devotes herself into developing her own expression of fragrance, colors, and sounds. That attracts lots of butterflies because her unique beauty.   They also help wake up other flowers by spreading her unique fragrance, and singing her unique songs.  More and More butterflies are sharing.  More and more flowers are awakened.  


She finds that’s the best way to remember the Wizard for him is forever part of her uniqueness and her life. 


One day they shall meet again and she knows their love for each other will never fade away inside of their being.



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色 彩 與 能 量 ─ 色 彩 治 療 入 門

基礎班 (甲班)2009年10月10日 星期六2-5pm 及 
           (乙班)2009年10月11日 星期日3-6pm

每期為兩堂 限收25人

自 我 催 眠 與 內 在 溝 通 工 作 坊

2009年10月09日 星期五 7-10pm
每期為三堂 限收20人

詳情請閱 香港中大專業進修學院網頁
經常快速額滿 報名請從速

電話: 2209 0252
傳真: 2603 6345
電郵: scs-humanities@cuhk.edu.hk

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Message in a Bottle

(Article from The Source Asia - by Vivienne Tang)

A Colourful Window to Your Soul

What can a little bottle of coloured water tell you? You will be surprised! The detailed information and clues about specific areas in your life can be highly transformational. You can receive clear guidance on certain topics that you have left untouched but need to be addressed. The system offers you a simple and effective way to get in touch with what lies beneath.

Different from a card reading, the non-intrusive technique offers a self-selective and very visual approach to wholeness and self-discovery. “Aura-Soma empowers us to take responsibility for our own well-being, using dual colour equilibrium bottles to explore our potential,” says Moon Cheng from The Spiritual Shop in Causeway Bay (the only official distributor in Hong Kong). “The colours represent a mirror that helps us recognize the energies of our being. You are the colours you choose, and they reflect your needs. This is the key premise behind Aura-Soma.”

The colour system is an empowering tool that will guide and enable you to make the right choices. “Aura-Soma helps to remember oneself,” says Go Ming-Oi, who is an Aura-Soma teacher and consultant. “As long as we find out our conditioned patterns then we bring attention, light or consciousness to the situation, so we are able to know which strings to pull or let go of.”

Sofia Chen, who has been an Aura-Soma practitioner for the last seven years, describes it as “a doorway to your subconscious to bring about clarity, awareness and understanding. It helps us to connect with our inner reality and clear the dark issue we are struggling with or simply bring awareness and acceptance to who we really are.”

When you go for a consultation, your practitioner will ask you to choose four bottles from a startlingly beautiful display of 107 bottles. The trained consultant will then interpret your journey through the colour code, whereas the top layer (fraction) stands for the conscious self and what is known, and the bottom fraction represents the sub-conscious or the higher self which may or may not be known. Furthermore, each bottle reflects different aspects, such as personality, gifts, talents, current situation and potential.

1. The first bottle represents your mission and purpose and the potential you have brought with you into life.

2. The second bottle represents your talents and gifts and the challenges you face. It will tell you what you need to improve to access your talent, so your life becomes smoother.

3. The third bottle represents the “here and now”, including relationships and work, and where you stand in relation to your purpose and your challenges from the first two bottles.

4. The fourth bottle represents the future and where you are heading, the energy that you are drawing into your life and the life you want to create for yourself.

Gaining insight and a new perspective on your life’s direction isn’t the only thing that Aura-Soma stands for. After a consultation you can also learn to work with the colours and the essences by applying them to reach a greater understanding of yourself and to become more aware of your current situation. “Use the second bottle first,” recommends Carol Cheung, a senior therapist at The Retreat in Repulse Bay (who was also spot on when she interpreted the bottles in my last session). “That’s the most difficult one, so use it first. After that, use the third one, then the fourth one and then at the end use the first bottle.” The bottles last for about four to six weeks, and they can be applied on the body and the chakras.

“Through the herbal extracts, essential oils and the gem energy inside the bottles, the skin can absorb the essence of the energy and slowly balance oneself,“ says Go.

“There is a clear connection between the colours in Aura-Soma and the chakra system and the many different levels through which the chakras relate,” says Cheng. “The beauty of Aura-Soma is that it can be considered at many levels so apart from an increased feeling of well-being it also offers the opportunity for the growth of consciousness by using the products through the consultation.”

But the beautiful Aura-Soma system contains more than just the equilibrium bottles used during the initial consultation. It carries five core products. The other four include a series of pomanders, quintessences, colour essences and archangel essences, which all help to support one on various levels.

So who should go for a consultation? “Whoever wants to connect with who they really are,” says Chen. “If you want to find out about your inner reality, and if you want to know yourself better, bring clarity and healing to your issues and just simply explore the beauty and mystery of colours, then this is for you.”

Vivienne Tang

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2009年7月29日 The SourceAsia

A Colourful Window to Your Soul

What can a little bottle of coloured water tell you? You will be surprised! The detailed information and clues about specific areas in your life can be highly transformational. You can receive clear guidance on certain topics that you have left untouched but need to be addressed. The system offers you a simple and effective way to get in touch with what lies beneath.

colorbeing 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

色 彩 與 能 量 ─ 色 彩 治 療 入 門

基礎班 (甲班)2009年07月11日 星期六2-5pm 及 
           (乙班)2009年07月12日 星期日3-6pm

進階班 (甲班)2009年07月25日 星期六2-5pm (僅供完成基礎班的同學)

每期為兩堂 限收25人

自 我 催 眠 與 內 在 溝 通 工 作 坊

2009年07月10日 星期五 7-10pm
每期為三堂 限收20人

詳情請閱 香港中大專業進修學院網頁
經常快速額滿 報名請從速

電話: 2209 0252
傳真: 2603 6345
電郵: scs-humanities@cuhk.edu.hk

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Sofia 會在第九屆身心靈健康開放日提供10-15min. 
Aura Soma 色彩能量解讀  簡短諮詢

邀請你來發現並體驗你所選的顏色如何是一面鏡子來真實呈現你 思想與情緒的模式, 以及自我療癒的潛力!!

時間: 2009年6月14日(星期天) 11am-7pm
地點: 上環文娛中心6/F, 

"You are the color you chose
They reflect your being's need"   -  Vicky Wall

*Sofia 6/14-18 會停留香港,如欲預約個人諮詢, 請盡早與我連繫, 好安排時間, 到時見!

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今天在餐聽吃中飯時,翻了翻雜誌看見胡婷婷的專訪,說道:「我有多渴望不安定,就有多渴望安定…..如果把我內在的惡魔都殺了,我內在的天使也會都死去。」 看了很有感觸。


過去幾年,從離開了穩定的企業工作環境後,我的生活很是飄泊,對很多人來說,包括我自己看自己,像是難以預測的飄來飄去,然後偶爾這裡那裡停泊一下,說實在幾年來,我還蠻享受這樣的彈性與多變。而在當時,對於要離開一個收入穩定且不錯,在職位上工作能力也展現得迎刃有餘的環境,我心裏是忐忑又害怕了一年有多,因為有太多對未知的恐懼: 不知道自己到時是否能養得活自己,不知道自己冠冕堂皇的說我要去體驗自由、體驗真正的自己到底是啥意思,還有深深覺得自己辜負父母期望的罪惡感不時出來襲擊我。



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colorbeing 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Why are we so afraid of being alone, or more precisely, afraid of being lonely?


My NLP/Astrology teacher Deepak has said, being lonely is being missing someone's presence and most of the time is that we feel a part of ourselves is missing.   But being alone does not necessarily have to be lonely because we can stand alone but feeling complete and whole rather than thinking we need to find someone else to fill up the hole in our heart.  Usually it's a big black hole that can never be filled up with never ending suffering.


But how do we cope with our loneliness before we can have a full realization of the truth of stand strong being alone?

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Dear Sofia,
Really really want to say THANK YOU to you!
加上過去一年,心愛的貓兒走了...十年的感情失去了...自己偏偏要告訴自己,I'am OK!

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by Christine

真的很高興能參加這個工作坊, 最後我終於能說服男朋友讓我完成夢想, 期待多年的單人旅行終於能實現了,

可以好好清理一下自己的情緒 整個過程就像一切也是預先安排一樣, 現在有一點不能置信的感覺,

這個工作坊令我知道原來自己真的很需要一個假期從繁忙的生活放鬆, thanks!



by Jenny

take a break, 怎料那幾天比在香港還累, 回來後個心口好像給別人了幾拳, 很悶不過,上完你的workshop , 那沈重的感覺都不見了. 那件困擾我的事情好像突然變得. 我明白事情並沒有變成我希望的狀況, 但起碼讓我重拾一些力量去處理它.

希望你可以多舉辦一些workshop, 因為那短短的幾小時對我來說真的很有用.

多謝你為我們所做的一切, 更多謝你令我感受到該如何過生活


by 靜儀
我们人有一半男性特质,同时亦有一半女性特质,所以除了我们不停往外揾,不停去做,我们亦得兼顾要往内吸收,这样才能平衡,才能make it a circle... ...",无记错的话,你是在这一部份分享中提到Allowing的吧?那一刻,突然,我好像明白了什么似的。知道吗?我总是觉得自己那阴暗的妒忌面是何其的恐怖,何其的让人讨厌,而且那么的不见得光,所以,当看到别人(include 身边的人&陌生人)将有一些好事情发生的时候,自己心里总会诅咒那事情来让自己仿似有些心里平衡,但这等自欺欺人的玩意,到头来还是会打回来惩罚翻自己的,我想你会明白我的意思。所以,点算呢?呵呵,俾你无意中点醒左添,系咯,将心放开,允许事情发生,就是甘简单。


'Allow, allow something happen, no matter what is good thing or bad thing';


'Allow, allow myself is imcompleted';


'Allow, allow myself to believe the actual feeling/voice from heart'.


还有啊,你还让我自己看清楚那个问题:点解我不能找到一个出口适合表达自己?点解我就不能像别人那样通过语言,文字,音乐,画画来分享很多自己真实的东西?”...真的多谢你的提醒啊,Christine. 现在,我知道了,我不是不能找到出口,而只是这些出口还不能达到自己的要求罢了,所以让自己去相信直觉吧,而想更进一步准确的表达,当然自己的努力可是不可少,让这个成为推动力将自己置身于向前走的路上吧!另外,从这问题上,我还发现了自己总是反复将事情的摆向偏左偏右的拨弄,就像节拍器一样,其实,只须将针拨回去中间,用中立的角度才能把问题客观的看清,同时,这样才能让自己的直觉舒畅的流动


Lastly, 好开心讲你知啊,Christine, 我这次的challenge bottle是选了粉红色(up)+黄色(down),从瓶子上面的角度看下去时,是橙色的,似乎在讲俾我听,"Dear, you are close to your soul bottle (No.4)"


by Irene

有一個想法,能夠同別人分享美好事情,這份愛一個傳一個, 世界會更好.
未來日子, 希望你開辦更多課程


by Cary

I felt very peaceful to join your training.  many thank you for your guidance.


by Cherry


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It is worth taking the leap for something you have always wanted to do because until you try you'll never know.  Through the experience I have had and the risks I have taken, I have gained courage and confidence.  I didn't start with the courage and confidence.  I started with the risk

~ Laura Davis~ (from the book, The Power of the Woman)


In completion of "Sound of the Rainbow" workshop,  I'm grateful for everyone that has participated.

Thank you for your trust and being open, with that I got to experience another dimension of myself.

I don't arrange my own workshops very often, but when I do, they are the fruits of my heart's deepest desire and longing to share.  If you've also ever found the seed of love inside you, I invite you to tenderly irrigate it with patience.  And when the timing has ripen, all you have to do, is just to take a jump and pick the fruit.  Whether you use it to nurish yourself or share with others.  But you must take the jump, or you'll miss your own very being.

昨天彩虹之音工作坊圓滿落幕 我感謝每一位前來參與的朋友

多謝妳們的信任與敞開 讓我也因此有機會又經驗自己內在的另一層次

我不經常開辦工作坊 但每一次都是我內在深度渴望分享之種子的結晶

如果你也曾在心中發現過愛的種子 我邀請你溫柔的耐心灌溉

當時機成熟時 你所要做的 就只是跨出一步 將果實摘下





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